Note: I am using an ATI6850 -- an Nvidia card will have different installation instructions.
Creating the Mountain Lion OSX Boot USB
- Download OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.3
- Partition Drive as MBR with case in-sensitive journaling HFS+
- Install on 8GB+ USB drive with unibeast-1.7.0-gold.pkg (removes DMOS image checks)
- Rename /System/Library/Extensions/ATI6000Controller.kext to ATI6000Controller.bak
- Disable Virtualization in bios
- Boot with no additional boot flags
Fixing OSX after installation
- Boot with -x -f -v
- Run Multi-beast
- Chimera Bootloader v2.2
- Atheros ALXEthernet v1.0.2
- 10.8.3+ TRIM Patch
- Unzip Kexts (from OSX folder in dropbox)
- Install all of the kexts (ATI, AppleHDA, USBXHCI) with kext utility
- Unzip Extra.tgz (from OSX folder in dropbox)
- Copy custom.aml to /Extra
- Copy org.chamelon.Boot.plist to /Extra
Note: If anyone is interested in obtained any of the files mentioned about, please make a post in the comments or send me an email.